26 January 2009

Operation Play Time - Get Outside

Today we have been challenged to Get Outside as part of Operation Playtime.

We like many parents have 'the school run' and this week I've decided that if it isn't raining the middle one will walk and we will spend the time looking at things at his pace. So today was day one... we walked very slowly... We talked about road safety when crossing the main road with it's 'safety refuge' - cross to the middle and stop, look and cross again! We examined every ant, beetle, slug and snail on the way through the 'park'. We looked at the river (and played pooh sticks) and we talked about how we couldn't paddle in the (flooded river) puddle as it was too deep.

1 comment:

Melitsa said...

Glad you could get outside. Too cold for most of us- trust the weather to close in. Do they still have Tufty for road safety at school? I treasured by colouring pencils and badge.