In order to balance the rainy day post from the other day I thought I'd post some of our favourite sunny day activities as we've now had some nice sunny days.
- Water painting - fill a bucket with water, provide your children with large paint brushes and get them to paint the outside of the house / the garden wall or fence.
- Make ice lollies - put some fruit juice into lolly molds and freeze - make rainbow lollies by using different colour juices (for example cranberry and orange) pouring in a small amount and freezing before topping up with the next colour or pop some fruit pieces in with your juice to make a 'spotty' lolly.
- Play with shadows - what shapes can your hands make? can you run away from your shadow? or even make your shadow hide in other shadows?
- Go for a nature walk - what can you spot? Can you find dandelions, daisies, butterflies or ladybirds?
- Have a picnic - you don't have to go far, a nearby park or even the garden is just as exciting for children.
- Go to the park - children love climbing, sliding and swinging, ask around to find out the best ones. In the past we've had fun at Diana Princess of Wales' Memorial Playground and more recently we spent a fantastic day at Bewilderwood - Please let us know of your favourite play areas.
- Do some 'gardening' - dig for worms, make mud pies or even plant some seeds!
- Spend time doing inside activities but outside! Share a book or a jigsaw under the shade of a tree for some quiet time.
- Painting - put big sheets of paper on the ground outside and have lots of fun - it doesn't matter how much mess is made as you can always wash your children off outside!
- Splash around in a paddling pool
Don't forget when spending time outside - to keep covered up, use suncream, wear sunhats and sunglasses, take care in or near water and make sure you have plenty to drink.