22 April 2010

Seven things you didn't know about me...

I have been sent this Kreative Blogger award and tagged by Toniann at Knot Just Jigs (who got it from Helen at Business Plus Baby) so I thought I had better quickly do a post on seven things you didn’t know about me before I forget. As I said to her it will help me meet my target - Thanks!

  1. When I started Littlesheep Learning I had one child - and now I have three!
  2. I have a to do list six miles long (but show me a parent who doesn't!)
  3. I am a regional volunteer for the NCT
  4. I am gluten and dairy intolerant
  5. I am planning a revamp of Littlesheep Learning (it is five this year)
  6. I do lots of walking
  7. I foolishly volunteered to dye my hair green if my husband reaches £800 on his fundraising target by the Marathon - feel free to sponsor him

Now I need to find seven people to tag to pass on this award and to take up the simple challenge (which could be tricky as I guess most of the blogs I read have already been tagged)

  1. Copy the award to your blog
  2. Insert a link to the person who nominated me
  3. Tell you seven things about myself that I haven’t told you before
  4. Nominate seven other bloggers for the award
  5. Link to their blogs
  6. Tell the nominees about their award

So tagging...

  1. Ann @ Education Takeaway
  2. Melitsa @ Play Activities
  3. Brenda @ The Green Familia
  4. Tracey and Lisa @ Talking Tots
  5. Judith @ Kiddymania
  6. Vicky @ Enchanted Portraits
  7. YOU! If you are reading this and have a blog - please accept the tag and let me know about your blog!

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